Cold Weather Grooming and Care Tips for Pets
Posted by Margaret Barnhart on 8th Mar 2017
Winter is in full swing and according to Punxsutawney Phil, we’ve got 6 more weeks of it!
When cooler weather comes we know to change our routines. As humans we change
our hair and skin care, our exercise, and definitely our wardrobe, but how much
thought have you given to changing your pet’s routine?
Providing our pets with the best care means adapting to seasonal conditions
and changes. Cold weather brings its own set of challenges for kitties and
canines so we’ve summed up our top 5 tips for having a healthy, happy pet all
season long! What can we say? We’ve got a warm heart for wet noses <3
Long Hair, Don’t Care
As responsible pet owners we know professional grooming is vital to the health of our pets. For winter appointments, ask that your groomer leave the hair a little longer and thicker. Cutting the coat too short or thin prevents the coat from acting as an insulator in protecting our pets from harsh temperatures. The only exception is the hair between the pads on their paws. This should be trimmed and kept short to prevent ice forming on their pads and to increase grip in slippery conditions. We prefer this 4.5" thinner or this curved safety shear for quick trims at home.
Brush Often
Stick to a brushing schedule and choose a brush with gentle bristles, like Kenchii’s wooden pin grooming brush. The round tip bristles are best for sensitive skin that can be dry or irritated from cold weather, plus the wooden bristles prevent static. Ensuring a snarl free coat also helps fluff out the fur and better insulate our pets from cold weather and drafts.
Decrease Baths
Too much bathing can dry out the skin and increases the chance of irritation. If your pet is prone to mess making or has medical needs that require more frequent bathing, opt for moisturizing shampoo and don’t skip the conditioner! Your best bet? Cut bathing in half and use bath wipes for quicker and more cold weather friendly clean ups.
Pampered Paws
Our furry friend’s paws need extra special care during the winter. Icy conditions, dry air, and chemical ice treatments pose dangerous risks for pet’s comfort and health. Be sure to inspect paws and wipe pads with a damp cloth when coming in from outdoors, this removes ice and any rock salt or ice treatment that could be on the ground. Protective paw pad moisturizers and treatments are a great option for dry or splitting pads. Be cautious about your pet licking their paws and ensure the formula is pet safe.
Furry Fashion
Small breeds, puppies and kittens, and older pets have a difficult time regulating their body temperatures and as a result are more susceptible to temperature change discomforts. If they’ll have it, consider boots and sweaters for outdoor playtime or cool, drafty areas, otherwise limit outdoor time and ensure they have a warm comfortable place to rest indoors.
These easy tips will improve your pets comfort, health, and happiness during colder weather! Send us pics of your pets this winter or tag us on Instagram!
**Always consult with your veterinarian before beginning a new care routine**
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