
How To Groom A Dog With Kenchii Shears At Home

How To Groom A Dog With Kenchii Shears At Home

How To Groom A Dog With Kenchii Shears At Home

When it comes to grooming dogs, for some dogs, all you have to do is brush them a couple of times a week with minimal or no clipping.

But there are some that should be cut once every few months; and others more often - once every 4-8 weeks. Some dogs, such as wire dogs, should not be cut, but trimmed by hand once or twice a year.

Depending on some things, such as the daily activity of your dogs (often outdoors), the type of fur (fur) of your dog and how much time you have to reserve for grooming the dog, these will determine the type of cut.

Keep Grooming Your Dog Simple

dog grooming scissors

A good pair of simple grooming shears: Kenchii Love™ 7-inch shear.

A simpler cut will be easier to maintain. Therefore, you can determine what parts of the style you can do at home to keep your dog clean and tidy between trips to the groomer. Depending on the type of coat your dog has, it may feel good if you try to cut the edges of your dog's coat.

Do something else, for example, try to cut your dog completely and put him at risk of injury and an embarrassing grooming style.

The best thing you can do for your pet, on dog grooming trips, is to keep the fur clean and comb the mats or tangles in your dog's fur. Not only do they keep the dog's skin and fur better, but they will facilitate the groomer's work on the next visit.

If you are thinking of cutting your dog's fur with shears between trips, you should talk to your groomer first, they will know what is best for you and your dog. You can also get free advice from your groomer about which part of your dog's coat can help.

If you want to do everything yourself, ask your groomer to give your dog a simpler cut that he can hold on his own.

There are some groomers who have special days where they teach pet owners how to take care of their dogs' fur. Sign up for one of those sessions to familiarize yourself before trying to do it yourself. It's much easier with some previous knowledge.

Buyer's Guide: How to Choose a Set of Dog Grooming Supplies

Before you begin, you will also need to get all the tools you need to cut your dog's fur. When selecting your scissors set, you should consider some things when shopping for scissors to cut your dog's fur. What shears will I use (straight cut, curved cut, thinning, etc.)?

How often will the scissors be used (depends on the breed of your dog)? Also, think how heavy they are and if you need left or right-handed scissors.

Ask yourself if you want a good pair of scissors made of harder steel that would be more durable. These premium types will remain sharp for longer and can generally be sharpened to extend their lifespan.

A professional groomer usually has a set of scissors for different purposes to make sure they can do the best job for their clients' dogs.

dog grooming scissors

Great grooming shears to start with: Scorpion 7.0"

The Right Grooming Tools

If your intention is to cut your dog's coat to maintain a basic cut, all you need are good pairs of pet grooming scissors and a metal comb for dogs:

Straight grooming shears: these are the most popular shears because they are made in a wide range of sizes and weights and have different blade lengths. Buy one that suits you and your dog. You will need to use sharp shears to cut because the sharp scissors will pull the dog's fur.

Shears for thinning: thinning shears are used to thin the hair with a thick coat. They have a thin blade and a cutting blade, so if used to cut the hair of the dog, they will only remove a part of the hair, diluting it instead of cutting it. They can also be used to mix different lengths of fur in the fur unlike a straight scissor that will leave a defined border.

Curved shears: these shears are slightly curved towards the tip of the scissors. They are necessary to easily cut and shape the fur around the contour of the dog's body.

Safety shears with rounded tip: these special type scissors are used to cut certain areas, such as the legs and face. They are also excellent for cutting between dog pads if you have a particularly active dog.

Metal Dog Comb: for combing knots and tangles.

Dog grooming table: consider taking one so you can keep your dog during the cut. Furthermore, an elevated position is a much better treatment for the back than trying to cut the dog on the floor.

Learn to pronounce. Finally, be sure to buy a set of toilet scissors that fits your palm perfectly. Watch the video below to find out how. A good set of scissors, of the right size for the hand, will prevent finger fatigue after prolonged use.

29th Oct 2019 B. Riggins

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