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Which Blade Edge is Best for You?

Which Blade Edge is Best for You?

Choosing the correct grooming shears can be a confusing and complex process. One of the most important aspects of choosing the correct shears is deciding which type of blade edge is right for you. At Kenchii, we offer 4 types of blade edges: Convex, Bevel, Semi-Convex, and Serrated.

Convex Edge

A convex edge is the sharpest, finest edge you can get on any shear and is best used for finishing work. All convex edge shears will have a hone or ride line which give a smooth cut without any blade noise. Lower quality metals cannot hold this type of edge, so they are usually made from higher quality metals.

Check out our Convex edge shears here

Semi-Convex Edge

This type of edge is very similar to a convex edge, but the blades are sharpened at a lesser degree. These shears are extremely versatile and can be used for everyday cutting and finish work.

Check out our Semi-Convex edge shears here

A bevel edge, or German edge, is extremely durable. The edge is not as sharp as a convex edge, but the angle of the edge allows for greater longevity. Bevel edged shears are great for blunt cutting but are not suitable for more advanced cutting techniques or finishing work.

Check out our Bevel Edge shears here

Serrated Edge

This type of edge has small teeth on one or both of the blades. They are often used in tandem with cheaper materials and bevel edges to prevent hair slippage. They are great for slow detail cutting or dry cutting but cannot be used for slice cutting because the hair will jam the blade. They are also great for scissor over comb cutting.

Check out our Serrated Edge shears here

Which edge is best?

While all blade edges are great for certain situations, the most versatile and useful are convex and semi-convex edged blades. Unlike bevel and serrated edge shears, you can use any technique with the convex or semi-convex; however, serrated edges may be the best for newer groomers due to the prevention of hair sliding.

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